Ur Encouragin word, give mi e hopes...
Today wen bishan study again...
Study w iven and liheng...
today last day to chiong liao...
so super serious doin revision...
Wen Bishan MacD to study....
We study from 2.30 till 7plus....
When till 6 plus all our brain cant take it
and start tokin crap....
ESP iven...turn crazi man....
anyhow said things...lols...
We will laugh and relaxin...
wen home around 8plus....
Tml exam le...super Nervous & Stress
Hope all of us can do well
go to nxt sem....
JiaYou & Gambateh!!!...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
HOrror movie
Today met iven at bishan at around 1pm to study....

We 1st wen to hab our lunch...
and after tt we wen to brought a 7plus movie...
Before the movie we wen bishan national liabrary to study
we search from 1 to last floor to find seat to study
but cant....finally found a sit at national liabrary cafe.....
We study till 5plus...
wen off to walk walk and arcade...

Finally 7....
So wen 4 movie....
The movie nt scary at all...
Mi and Iven was laughin all the way...
and try to scare each other..
bt fail...haha...
4bia consist of 4 story...
the 3rd story damn lame and funny nt scary at all....
After movie Home Swweet Home
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Hmm..hope realli do get a chance....
Today wen to meet iven at CCK lot1.
Decide to study..so wen supermarket to get F&B
After tt meet liheng and walk to a tuition center
which liheng mum lend to as a study....Thanks Alot...haha
Awhile later lynne and peixian join in and study....
as usual when lynne and peixian came...
our little gossip start and start to tok...lols....
We study and tok till around 7.30....
start to leave the place....
After tt mi and iven wen lot1 to have dinner
and home sweet home.....
prepare 4 nxt study trip :bishan...haha
Today wen to meet iven at CCK lot1.
Decide to study..so wen supermarket to get F&B
After tt meet liheng and walk to a tuition center
which liheng mum lend to as a study....Thanks Alot...haha
Awhile later lynne and peixian join in and study....
as usual when lynne and peixian came...
our little gossip start and start to tok...lols....
We study and tok till around 7.30....
start to leave the place....
After tt mi and iven wen lot1 to have dinner
and home sweet home.....
prepare 4 nxt study trip :bishan...haha
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Study!!! Study!!
Back In Mood :)
Today meet 1 of my friend at AMK
After tt i meet iven and liheng to study
so we wen amk study since i am at there
we went to Mac to have our lunch
Has been eatin Mac dunnoe 4 how mani days
mus change a need place to study
any good suggestion...
Irene suggestion-delifrance toa pa yoh
shld try out 1 day...anymore suggestion..haha...
We study 4 around 3hrs...
and left AMk around 5plus....
Home Sweet Home to rest
and prepare another tough day tml
Today meet 1 of my friend at AMK
After tt i meet iven and liheng to study
so we wen amk study since i am at there
we went to Mac to have our lunch
Has been eatin Mac dunnoe 4 how mani days
mus change a need place to study
any good suggestion...
Irene suggestion-delifrance toa pa yoh
shld try out 1 day...anymore suggestion..haha...
We study 4 around 3hrs...
and left AMk around 5plus....
Home Sweet Home to rest
and prepare another tough day tml
Monday, August 25, 2008
Haapy woahs
Seem like i found the light at the end of tunnel...
Today wen bishan and simei.....
to find friends and play magic tgt...
instead of study mi wen playin whole day...
At around 7pm reach home....
and start to muggin 4 upcomming exam....
my CA have done well overall except bus comm
so i need to work hard and pull up e result....
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Study week
Life is a drawin w/o an eraser. Cant turn back tym.
Hmm...it still a rainnin day....
keep rain and rain tis few day....
so did nt wen out and stay home to study...
Tml is a busyin day...
gonna to study 4 the whole day...
Study week finally start....
~For 18above~
Any1 wan go lunar tis wed...
i can get free lychee martini...
the ticket price is it free i still need to check out...
tag mi....
Hmm...it still a rainnin day....
keep rain and rain tis few day....
so did nt wen out and stay home to study...
Tml is a busyin day...
gonna to study 4 the whole day...
Study week finally start....
~For 18above~
Any1 wan go lunar tis wed...
i can get free lychee martini...
the ticket price is it free i still need to check out...
tag mi....
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Soccer Crazi
Love is nt about lookin each other,is about lookin at the same direction
Has been rainin 4 tis whole week.....
Wen sch 4 Acc revision...
Give liverpool 3point at 94mins....
Has been rainin 4 tis whole week.....
Wen sch 4 Acc revision...
turn out tokin to liheng most of the tym....
After sch wen to find ts jon toby samuel pow 4 soccer...
is was rainin so we play at void deck...
after tt rain turn smaller we wen out to play....
Seriously cant run fast...
coz the street soccer court damn slippery....
Fall 4 2ttym when chasin after the ball...
Nt bad...score a few goals...lols...
wen home at around 9pm
and have a bath den go 4 dinner.....
The Man The Legend-steven gerrard

Give liverpool 3point at 94mins....
Friday, August 22, 2008
How i wish tt nv happen and we could still chat
Today potent sch...
as i was lazy to go 4 class...
And planned to go out today
but cancel after tt....
Toby asked us to play soccer...
but becoz of the stpd rain...
it was cancel again....
so the whole day i was slackin....
exam is around the comin...
nxt week study mus study hard...
Jiayou 4 all goin and who r havin exam now....
Kyna cher....
no need worry....
ur student ver guai de...
will do all hw u give de....
have fun cher
Today potent sch...
as i was lazy to go 4 class...
And planned to go out today
but cancel after tt....
Toby asked us to play soccer...
but becoz of the stpd rain...
it was cancel again....
so the whole day i was slackin....
exam is around the comin...
nxt week study mus study hard...
Jiayou 4 all goin and who r havin exam now....
Kyna cher....
no need worry....
ur student ver guai de...
will do all hw u give de....
have fun cher
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Study!!! Study!!
it feel like plain and dry

Today shld b a holiday 4 mi...
but meet lynne liheng px iven brandon and racheal to study
We study from 2 to around near 5 bah...i think....

After tt we wen to check movie tym...bt didnt watch...
Wen cityhall check about Iphone....
wen bugis to shop and have out dinner...
At around 9pm...meet up Li....
to test deck(magic:the gathering)
and i won all the match..yay!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sick! Fever
Hmm....Fever...duun like the feelin of solo waitin
Today havin fever so didnt went sch....and
the other reason is becoz of Magic:the gathering comp...
today wen bishan w my friend to join MAGIC comp...
ended up in the 2nd position w the vintage deck...
After tt wen b to WS to meet gordon to play Max tune...
We wen eastpoint to shop 4 earpiece too....
At around 7pm wen home to have dinner....
On the way home meet crazi retest teacher Mr. Heng....
haha.....Today Sick still can have so mani programme
Today havin fever so didnt went sch....and
the other reason is becoz of Magic:the gathering comp...
today wen bishan w my friend to join MAGIC comp...
ended up in the 2nd position w the vintage deck...
After tt wen b to WS to meet gordon to play Max tune...
We wen eastpoint to shop 4 earpiece too....
At around 7pm wen home to have dinner....
On the way home meet crazi retest teacher Mr. Heng....
haha.....Today Sick still can have so mani programme
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Miss u
Boredom Day...do nt rrealli noe wad to said to u
Today when sch early...
actually wan to study w iven and liheng...
but ended up we tokin...
i think becoz is sat so we no mood study....
@2pm we went 4 our accountin class....
The stpd teacher thought give us the yellow form...
bt actually actually didnt....so we need to draw up 1....
I iven liheng left durin the break tym....
the lesson is super borin....
wen to meet friend 4 movie after tt...
wen arcade to play maxi tune....haha....
At night wen Ws w my parent to HK cafe to have dinner
This part is to my kyna teacher....
teacher ur sch fee ex la...500...lols...
can give discount or pay installment..lols...
Today when sch early...
actually wan to study w iven and liheng...
but ended up we tokin...
i think becoz is sat so we no mood study....
@2pm we went 4 our accountin class....
The stpd teacher thought give us the yellow form...
bt actually actually didnt....so we need to draw up 1....
I iven liheng left durin the break tym....
the lesson is super borin....
wen to meet friend 4 movie after tt...
wen arcade to play maxi tune....haha....
At night wen Ws w my parent to HK cafe to have dinner
This part is to my kyna teacher....
teacher ur sch fee ex la...500...lols...
can give discount or pay installment..lols...
since i ur good and guai student
ur student ver poor...no money...
Torres score against sunderland....woah!!
hopin liverpool can win tis season title.... 

Thursday, August 14, 2008
CCK trip to Lot1
Seem So Near But Yet So Far...
Today meet iven 12 to study & lunch in sch....
Nt bad...today realli did study...finish 1 past yr paper(bus stat)
Nw mus start revision...exam comin....
At 2 go 4 bus comm class...
teacher revise w us + some exam hint....
After sch mi liheng and iven decide where to go....
we decide to go CCK!!!woah...so far...
So took bus w iven and lynne to cck...
on the way to cck....mi lame-in all the tym...lols
so we went cck mac to study again....
we study and gossip at the same tym...
At around 7.30 we wen around lot1 to explore
and wen home after tt.....
It took around 1hr45min to get home...sian....
Today meet iven 12 to study & lunch in sch....
Nt bad...today realli did study...finish 1 past yr paper(bus stat)
Nw mus start revision...exam comin....
At 2 go 4 bus comm class...
teacher revise w us + some exam hint....
After sch mi liheng and iven decide where to go....
we decide to go CCK!!!woah...so far...
So took bus w iven and lynne to cck...
on the way to cck....mi lame-in all the tym...lols
so we went cck mac to study again....
we study and gossip at the same tym...
At around 7.30 we wen around lot1 to explore
and wen home after tt.....
It took around 1hr45min to get home...sian....
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Today Business comm is same old boring lesson...
After sch when to do our accounting CA2 project...
We order Pizza 4 our dinner...lols....SHiok...
After eating it is tym to do our project...
And we stay b till 8...and we are almost done...haha...
Today mi and liheng damn crazy....
we play imaginary badminton and ping pong...lols...
crazy us....
Hopin to see her in sch but didnt...
Pic taken ytd:
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Love Guru
Today went sch early to ask iven teach mi e last topic(bus stat)
After sch actually wanted to do project
2pm bus stat class start....
Funny Mr. chan make fun of mi today again...
keep sayin he is my biao ge...lols....lame...
keep sayin he is my biao ge...lols....lame...

dunnoe who wan watch movie
we debate where to watch(cini,grand cathay)
mi(cini) and brandon(grand) is fightin over it
and ended up we watch at CINI...lol...
We watch 7.05....."Love Guru"
tis show damn nice sia....super super funny..
In the show the guru said bible=Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
alot yellows joke...llols...
After movie all wen home...
mi and iven when to Kpool to play 2 rounds of billard..lols
We left and go home rest
We left and go home rest
Feelin weird when saw u today...hais..
How i wish love guru help mi..
Monday, August 11, 2008
Still FEelin tt
Today still feel quite EMO abit....
Today woke up at 12pm....and was runnin late
So went have a quick bath and wear a cap
and went to sch
Reachs sch..All feel weird when see mi wear cap...
After sch went to Storm to have a new hair cut...
tis tym..my hair is realli damn short....
take a looks and give comments..lols...

Sunday, August 10, 2008
False hope
FeeLin Emo after Givin mi a fasle hope...
Today went to KboX and Shopping
We sing from 2-7....5hrs....
till goin to no voice....lols.....
after tt went to far east....
Went there to find a cap....lols...
And finally found 1 cheap and nice($10)

Findin tis cap i wearin willin to buy from any1 who has it
Around 8 went b pasir ris to have dinner at MAC
and went to play MAX TUNE all the way till arcade close..
Today is fun, but my heart still Feel EMO!!!
Today went to KboX and Shopping
We sing from 2-7....5hrs....
till goin to no voice....lols.....
after tt went to far east....
Went there to find a cap....lols...
And finally found 1 cheap and nice($10)

Findin tis cap i wearin willin to buy from any1 who has it
Around 8 went b pasir ris to have dinner at MAC
and went to play MAX TUNE all the way till arcade close..
Today is fun, but my heart still Feel EMO!!!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Happy bday(sg)
Hais...Dunnoe wad to siad better...
Happy 43rd Bday Singapore...
Happy 18th and 19th Bday Toby and Tomy...
Today wake up early mornin
went to crystal jade to have our breakfast...
after tt went to shop around Tampines Mall....
Saw a Cheap SamSung LCD tv...999....
and guess wad....my father brought it....
my house dunnoe gt how mani TV liao....lols...
After tt went to TPY to get my contact lens.....
At night we have steamboat 4 dinner....Yummy!!!
Watch the national parade....
the firework is so nice...sadly i am not there....
Today juz feel so EMO!!!
Happy 43rd Bday Singapore...
Happy 18th and 19th Bday Toby and Tomy...
Today wake up early mornin
went to crystal jade to have our breakfast...
after tt went to shop around Tampines Mall....
Saw a Cheap SamSung LCD tv...999....
and guess wad....my father brought it....
my house dunnoe gt how mani TV liao....lols...
After tt went to TPY to get my contact lens.....
At night we have steamboat 4 dinner....Yummy!!!
Watch the national parade....
the firework is so nice...sadly i am not there....
Today juz feel so EMO!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Happy bday(Toby)
Feeling Guilty & learnin indo is hard..
9 of aug is my 2 best friend bday....toby and tomy
sadly tomy is in aust so he will miss the fun...
anyway happy bday to TOMY and TOBY......
today potent half of the lesson as mi when to prepare 4 the bbq...
the bbq start....most 5@1 student came....
and we play a game...True or Dare...
damn scary sia...tis gamee...we onli can choose dare nia...
and the crazi part is...the PUNISHMENT!!!
have to do all crazi stuff...likin KISSIN!!!!O M G!!!
we play the game from 7 till 10....
we slacked all the way till around 2am.....
When the clock struck 12am....
we make a cake w lots of cream 4 toby....
it is prepare to dirty him...hehe....
but at last him onli kana abit...sian....
After tt ther a MiNi BlackForest cake...
we sang bday song 4 him....after tt guess wad...
all catch jon and smash the cake at him....hahaha..
AnywaI today is a Happy And Fun day.....
The cake w special make 4 toby....
He start to def himself from the cake we made...

Happy 18th bday Toby lai!!!
9 of aug is my 2 best friend bday....toby and tomy
sadly tomy is in aust so he will miss the fun...
anyway happy bday to TOMY and TOBY......
today potent half of the lesson as mi when to prepare 4 the bbq...
the bbq start....most 5@1 student came....
and we play a game...True or Dare...
damn scary sia...tis gamee...we onli can choose dare nia...
and the crazi part is...the PUNISHMENT!!!
have to do all crazi stuff...likin KISSIN!!!!O M G!!!
we play the game from 7 till 10....
we slacked all the way till around 2am.....
When the clock struck 12am....
we make a cake w lots of cream 4 toby....
it is prepare to dirty him...hehe....
but at last him onli kana abit...sian....
After tt ther a MiNi BlackForest cake...
we sang bday song 4 him....after tt guess wad...
all catch jon and smash the cake at him....hahaha..
AnywaI today is a Happy And Fun day.....

Happy 18th bday Toby lai!!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Today was DAMN HAPPY!!!!Woah!!! :)
Today bus comm lesson was boring...
so during break we wen off to do our project....
lols..around 5pm when to find spchan(bus stat) to help us in project..
he is a damn joker man.....
mi keep callin him elder cousin...biao ge...lols
den he call mi biao di...damn funny....
nxt tym shall take a pic w him
after tt mi so good treat him eat choc haha.....
and he said i am his best student.....lols....woah...BEST STUDENT!!!
we do project till 8
we tok and play along the same tym....haha.....
When we walk out of sch...sudden rain...
and we were all running to the bus stop...lols...
today is a fun day overall...
Today bus comm lesson was boring...
so during break we wen off to do our project....
lols..around 5pm when to find spchan(bus stat) to help us in project..
he is a damn joker man.....
mi keep callin him elder cousin...biao ge...lols
den he call mi biao di...damn funny....
nxt tym shall take a pic w him
after tt mi so good treat him eat choc haha.....
and he said i am his best student.....lols....woah...BEST STUDENT!!!
we do project till 8
we tok and play along the same tym....haha.....
When we walk out of sch...sudden rain...
and we were all running to the bus stop...lols...
today is a fun day overall...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Lame madness
Today went sch at around 11.30...
meet iven liheng px and lynne to study tgt....
we study till 2pm and wen to have our business comm class(borin lesson)
After sch....wen to do bus stat project...
tis project is realli killin mi
keepin doin wrong...stpd SPSS...craps.....
Finally we noe how to do
but the stat figures we juz anyhw bedah ourself....lols...
The whole session is laughter and fun tym...
We do our project till around 7 and chat till 9....
and we did nt notice the tym...
we gossip tgt and tokin some super lame things...
brandon and liheng look like wantin to kill mi after all lame things i said today...lols.....
Realli dunnoe wad to do...wan tok to her...but dunno wad to say...
Today went sch at around 11.30...
meet iven liheng px and lynne to study tgt....
we study till 2pm and wen to have our business comm class(borin lesson)
After sch....wen to do bus stat project...
tis project is realli killin mi
keepin doin wrong...stpd SPSS...craps.....
Finally we noe how to do
but the stat figures we juz anyhw bedah ourself....lols...
The whole session is laughter and fun tym...
We do our project till around 7 and chat till 9....
and we did nt notice the tym...
we gossip tgt and tokin some super lame things...
brandon and liheng look like wantin to kill mi after all lame things i said today...lols.....
Realli dunnoe wad to do...wan tok to her...but dunno wad to say...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Today when damn early to sch study....
study accountin and bus stat....it gettin more & more confuse
becoz of the term use....wtf.....
After tt go to have our business stat class
usual....teacher love to pick mi to ask qns again...lols....
and when to do last business stat project till 7plus....
the SPSS programme is killin mi man....
in order to do the regression graph we spend dunno
how long to find the right thingy to click....Craps!!!
Today when damn early to sch study....
study accountin and bus stat....it gettin more & more confuse
becoz of the term use....wtf.....
After tt go to have our business stat class
usual....teacher love to pick mi to ask qns again...lols....
and when to do last business stat project till 7plus....
the SPSS programme is killin mi man....
in order to do the regression graph we spend dunno
how long to find the right thingy to click....Craps!!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Lameness beam will break ur barrier....hahaha
Go sch usual today.....
After sch wen town w iven liheng px and lynne...
slack at long john....and slack tgt....
mi started to b lame...dunnoe y too.....
after tt brandon keep wan counter mi..and
we start our lame war....lols
Go sch usual today.....
After sch wen town w iven liheng px and lynne...
slack at long john....and slack tgt....
mi started to b lame...dunnoe y too.....
after tt brandon keep wan counter mi..and
we start our lame war....lols

around 7 we wen to watch MuMMy.....
story line nt too good..but action nice.....4/5
after movie when home to have a good rest....
tml 11.30 need go sch study....
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Today woke up at 9plus...and
found out brandon's dog is lick mi when i was asleep...
After tt wash up and prepare to set off to our fun day
East coast trip....
Mi Delon Racheal Brandon Julian-Bike
Lynne Peixian liheng Amos-skate
We ride and skate 4 2hrs....and it was fun and laughter along...
and the sky and sun is nice....woah!!dunnoe will kana sunburn anot...lols
We end our day and 4plus...and when to brandon house to take our things
ytd and today is a tiring day.....so today will have a good sleep to prepare 4 sch tml...
found out brandon's dog is lick mi when i was asleep...
After tt wash up and prepare to set off to our fun day
East coast trip....
Mi Delon Racheal Brandon Julian-Bike
Lynne Peixian liheng Amos-skate
We ride and skate 4 2hrs....and it was fun and laughter along...
and the sky and sun is nice....woah!!dunnoe will kana sunburn anot...lols
We end our day and 4plus...and when to brandon house to take our things
ytd and today is a tiring day.....so today will have a good sleep to prepare 4 sch tml...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Gambling den
Today went school to pass up my accountin project
after tt w potent accountin w delon and iven....
i delon meet,gordon to play max tune...
win 5 round and lose 1 round....
@ 7 meet liheng and px 4 dinner at pasir ris
and when brandon house to ton and play poker...
won 55 overall....lols...shiok.....
Think of joinin catholic...haha....
after tt w potent accountin w delon and iven....
i delon meet,gordon to play max tune...
win 5 round and lose 1 round....
@ 7 meet liheng and px 4 dinner at pasir ris
and when brandon house to ton and play poker...
won 55 overall....lols...shiok.....
Think of joinin catholic...haha....
Friday, August 1, 2008
Happy bday(beiying)
"Saya cinta kamu" juz learn a new language...
HAPPY BDAY 19th Beiying....
today is beiying bday....we brought a cake and help her celebrate her bday....haha....

During lesson tym...craps....Mr chan keep aimin mi... Gt qns he cfm turn and ask mi ans....#@!!@##@
but overall lesson is fuuny and fun....
After sch went to ws arcade to play Max tune...lols...
keep winnin and earnin star....woah...happy....haha...
shiok.....Tml go and trash ppl and get stars again......
HAPPY BDAY 19th Beiying....
today is beiying bday....we brought a cake and help her celebrate her bday....haha....

but overall lesson is fuuny and fun....
After sch went to ws arcade to play Max tune...lols...
keep winnin and earnin star....woah...happy....haha...
shiok.....Tml go and trash ppl and get stars again......
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