Saturday, September 5, 2009
it tym to relax n shoppin
need to find work to earn some money
any recommedation???
havin bad mood tis few day
lots of thoughts pass my mind
keep repeatin listen this song
in my MP3 HP com
1000 over times
realli dunnoe wad u r thinkin
can some1 plz help mi!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
now im back to oniy-jiaming.blogspot le
wont leave it dead anymore
need to said sry coz havin chinese song
suddenly think of it so juz post it
hope u can see it
沉默着走了有 多遥远
抬起头 蓦然间 才发现
一直倒退 倒退到原点
倔强坚持 对抗时间
说好了的永远 断了线
期许了 不变的 却都已改变
紧闭 双眼 才能看的见
那些曾经温暖 鲜艳过的画面
渐渐地忘记 赶不上明天
明天再也 没有你的笑脸
渐渐地忘记 忘记了时间
到最深处 纵然那只是瞬间
当眼泪 滑落的 是句点
心里面 始终你 从没有走远
耳边 誓言 还在回旋
我会好好珍惜 没有你的明天
渐渐地忘记 赶不上明天
明天再也 没有你的笑脸
渐渐地忘记 忘记了时间
到最深处 纵然那只是瞬间
渐渐地忘记 忘记了时间
到最深处 纵然那只是瞬间
Sunday, July 12, 2009
snow city
~6 July 2009~
meet toby and pow at pasir ris
set off to cityhall to get some stuff done
b4 goin to jurong
and we reach tt damn late 4+
and guess wad science centre close at 6+
we brought a value package 16 for science centre n snow city
we take a 45min walk around science centre
and rush to snow city
we sit the slide for freak lots of tym
let some pic do the tok-ing

after the whole trip we go to somerset for some shoppin spree n dinner at far east
Sunday, June 28, 2009
guess wad they start to nag nag nag non-stop...haha
tt day wen out w jon pow n sam
we wen to visit marina barrage
it like so lols
pow told mi is a shoppin centre
ended up it more like a to see how to save water
but the root top is a nice slackin place so damn windy
saw lots of ppl play kite at there
gonna to plan a day go there slack and fly kite...haha
after tt wen to orchand near forum there 4 dinner
the place it like a bar cafe
the price there quite reasonably cheap
found another nice place to slack
counting down~7day more to sch reopen sian><
Thursday, June 18, 2009
so my blog seem dead...
We all miss will eu de
last pic we took tgt
will update more about it when i have more detail
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
BAD bad week
freakin mi fail my otqm CA because of these f..kers
who copy w.o permission....@#!@#&@
w.o passin CA i cant take the exam for otqm
Hence the good news is
i have less 1 subject to study
Now hoping tt NS could let mi defer for 3more months
so i can finish my diploma
i dunnoe shld i thanks or screw these f...uckers @#!@#&@
Monday, May 11, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Visit now! Crystal who is my sister's friend set up this site to sell things that are "to be value for money and interesting" as quoted from their page. Definitely brand new people! I like the bag! It's a portfolio bag that allows you to express your sense of style.Portfoli-oh! bags are ideal for carrying original artwork, sketchpads, design and documents. Show people your personality whilst remaining in a next generation professional. But come on, even if you're not an art student, you can use it as your bags! People uses their laptop casing as their bags. Now, you need a proper stylish bag people! No more porter bags pls! Getting more and more common!
Oh yes, it's selling at SGD 69.90 I bet you dont see anyone or anywhere selling this, because it's specially imported! Now beat that!
If you're interested, you can get it through Peixian. She'll settle everything for you! Email her @
Thursday, April 30, 2009
my 19th bday
i wan thank brandon benny smith kneenth mathew toby jon gordon sam kb lh px df for celebrating my 19th bday. thx lynne for comin after her work and wish mi...thx to eu guy mi realli have a wonderful 19th bday
And also wan to thx someone special to mi ^^ xie xie kelly for the present and the bday card...realli love it eu lots <3333
6pm~meet at sakura dinner
8.30pm~ when ps to play L4D and dota11.30pm~ wen zirca for clubbing
4.30am~ home sweet home
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Happening event
"Jiaming 19th Bday celebration"
Afternoon~Kbox(nt cfm)
Evening ~Dinner at Sakura (meet 5pm,$35/person)
Night ~Clubbin(rebel)
People cfm attending
Toby,Mathew,Jon,Sam,Gordon,Kongboon,Benny,Duofeng,Smith,David,kneenth Brandon, Peixian
*any1 who wan attend the dinner tell mi in advance coz i bookin sits*
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
since school reopen i am damn busy
let make the update short and sweet
~8 April~

Sunday, April 5, 2009
happy tym

1st tym play in cage...wooo~
it feel awesome!!!
the bad thing is there no out so need to keep contiune play
so easily get exhusted!!
and guess wad is 50 for 2hrs(student price)

it APRIL FOOL!!!lols
run off during break to meet
pow, sam, toby and jon at town
guess wad!!!pow is super hyper active
he cant stop jumpin around
and come out sort of crap
*as slow as cheetah*
*as bushy as ahem*
he kept shoutin it in toliet
after tt we wen shop n
watch Confessions of a Shopaholic(The Cathay)
Monday, March 23, 2009
fail otqm
becoz of 1 ver power word
"LAZY" haha
mi now super lazy to update
my whole holiday is eat sleep play
My result finally out...
it is terrible OTQM
OMG!!!i gonna to remodule tis sub
and heard from senior they siad nxt sem
work is like HELL!!!!
nvm i shall enjoy tis holiday and work hard nxt sem
hehe ^^
Tml is our 5A1 class chalet....
super lookin forward to it...
so long nv gather tgt liao...
shall update more detail after chalet ^^
Thursday, March 12, 2009
here come my busy holiday...
due to my laziness and busy i didnt post for a week
where shld i start from...
after last paper wen out w
delon df benny and kneenth
wen to buy present for delon bday
and wen to eat sushi after tt...
after tt to for sec sch gatherin
at ehub...went to watch movie
anyway tis 1week mi watched 4 movies
kungfu chef, watchmen,push and he juz nt into eu
and the mosty sux movie i ever watch is watchmen
totally craps...long winded almost fallen asleep
and there some event btw my last paper till today...
lazy to post out...
mayb will juz update some pic in a few day tym...haha
Monday, March 2, 2009

Hi guys! Eileen & Peixian have set up their online boutique called OnePointFives. The reason behind their name is because both of them are 1.55m tall. They are going to launch their frst collection on Saturday March 7 at 1pm! Do join their mailing list to get the latest update and mailing listees get to enjoy discounts too! It's a double benefit! All apparels at Onepointfives are set at reasonable prices for all you girls out there!
Visit and join their mailing list now!!!
revive of blog
rusty and dead 4 past few week
now let mi revive it....hhaahhaa
i alive now to update eu guy
This few week busyin on lots of thingy
and the most important things is exam
4/3/09 is my exam liao
and guess wad??
my brain is juz a blanket
so now is time to muggin
and burn midnight oil....
mi jus lookin foward 4 exam to end
coz there lots of event waitin 4 mi
2)paintball trip
3)soccer @ the cage
4)oversea trip(mayb)
5)secondary sch class gathering
cant wait 4 these events.....
Thursday, February 19, 2009
self study
when david sms and wake mi up
it was alr like goin to 1 and
my lessoon start at 2
damn so skip econ revision class
anyway go=no use
tis sem dun think teacher will give
hint 4 exam anymore ARGH!!!
and tt freaking alot...
Today contiune to at home
self revision....
study whole day econ & finanical
and econ is realli going to make mi turn crazi
see how guai i am ^^
haha....didnt went out to play....
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
fail TP
1st i hit a pole when doing parking
and best of best i drove w 1 hand...
when i change gear 4get to place my hand
b on the stpd steering...and tis cause mi to fail...
after TP result out
totally no mood go sch liao
so wen to ask gordon out to
Mac study
i did study finanical today
we wen home around 7pm
Monday, February 16, 2009
drinkin session
wen 4 dinner 1st @ Double Bay
her and her friend 4 drinkin session
we all drink till almost drunk
slack and chit chat till 11pm
send her home 1st and
went home sweet home ^^
2 more days is my Big day
It TP!!!
pretty nervous
alway bump when parrallel parkin
and S-circuit
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy valentine's day
Friday, February 13, 2009
valetine's day eve
finally pass up all my freakin stress PROJECT!!!
Anyway tml is valetine's day...
it a special day 4 all couple....
so wish all couple have a happy valetine's day ^^
happy valetine to my special one too <3
who alway give mi lots of support
and b there whenever i need u
Today after sch went to meet sam and toby
after wen to pool fusion to play an hour pool
after sam left
mi and toby wen orchand to shop around
now aimming 4 a blurberry polo tee
it $220...hope can save by a week...
around 10 wen meeet Pow at Ehub
we wen play pool again...
and after tt we watch Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans
quite a nice movie but it too short
Friday, February 6, 2009
jon bday celebration
toby wen sch w mi to ask about the stpd CA2 thingy
so took cab from pasir ris to sch...
as i was damn lazy to take bus...
after everythiny is time to enjoy...
mi and toby wen bugis pool fusion to play pool
after an hour or plus
Mr Jon the bday boi come join us
and Mr pow came too...
so we wen marina sqaure(paris) to have buffet
shiok ar...we all eat till so super till almost vomit
The food is realli AWESOME!!!
After dinner. thinkin of wad activite we shld do...
so wen play billard while wait sam sam to come..
after he come we took bus to cini
to play lan...we played 3hrs of left or dead..
excitin game and we will screamin in the room....
tml cfm chop chop no voice liao...
after all activite...finally is goin home tym
it was midnight..freakin lazy to take bus
so we share a cab and chiong home
i still got econ ca 2 to edit!!!argh!!!!
update till here...
Monday, February 2, 2009
happy bday jon
After sch wen to meet toby
we wen bugis have dinner
and wen pool fusion to play pool...lols...
after pool we walk to suntec to find bday boi
he celebratin w his classmate today....
and celebratin w us on friday....
while waiting 4 him makan finish his bdday feast
we wen to play arcade to play...
finally bday boi came....
slack in suntec 4 awhile and
wen home sweet home...
lookin 4ward for tis friday
becoz it is also our gatherin...
sengseng u bettter come on friday rawr!!!
2mth nv see u liao
Thursday, January 29, 2009
long stair flight
to have lunch and slackin chit chat
she explore my whole house like exploring museum lols.....
Around 4...w
en cityhall meet up kongboon and jon
wen over to penisula to shop
after tt toby join us and we wen to orchand
Jon recommend us a nice shop at mount sophia rd
so we wen there to find tt bloody shop...
and u noe wad!!! to reach mount sophia u need to CLIMB A BLOOD LONG FLIGHT OF STAIR...
see from other website it said it have more den 130 stairs koaz...
after reach top we were all damn tired
and guess wad we cant find tt shop...
wasted energy to conquer the mountian...lols
after alll those tirness we walked down and reaches bugis
so we wen to eat dinner and played pool at fusion
and i will nv go mount sophia again!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
cny 3rd day
there r lots of project waitin 4 mi
but mi is in CNY mood...
no mood to do my project..argh!!!
Today we have a small BBQ at Amos house...
Brandon they all play a guess word game
ban lan de reaction was like OMG!!!so damn freakin funny
the BBQ is a fun and success...yay~

Lookin forward to nxt BBQ session
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
cny 2nd day
so how every1 celebration...isit fun???
today wen out to visit my relative n friends...
every year ang bao is getting lesser and lesser...
around evenin tym wen out to meet toby and pow
we wen to Ehub to slack...
wen to play arcade and pool...
after tt toby wen off...
and mi and pow wen to watch "all well end well''
guess wad...we brought couple sit..
every1 who sit couple sit is a guy and gal
we look so weird...haaahaaa....
anyway the movie was damn funny...

Monday, January 26, 2009
CNY 1st day
1st wish every1 a happy chinese niu(牛)year!!!
hope u all collect more ang pow and win more money!!!
Today wen quite alot places...
wen tpy w my family to pray
the temple is like damn lots of ppl
the smoke is makin my content lens so freakin dry..argh!!
afterr tt wen home to wait 4 my relative to come visitin
and wen to my da bo house to do visitin...
anyway is a short visit as da bo's family planing to go 4 holiday
so wen sit there 4 an hours and went home 4 dinner...
Next it is the fun thingy!!! GAMBLING!!!wahaha
we played blackjack 21point...
mi freakin lose over 80 ver tong.....

Friday, January 23, 2009
so didnt realli have tym to update...
wakin up early and goin back late....
and finally finish the project yay!
Today after school went to meet jon and toby @WS
after tt wen ehub to have dinner....
so we wen to have steamboat at ehub...
it been awhile since we eat steamboat tgt...lols...
but DTE steamboat foood is quite limited compare to bugis
after steamboat all tired so wen home to have a good rest
Chinese new year is comin...
can have a good rest at home 4 tis few day...
wish every1 have a happy CNY!!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Town rox
almost everyday chion town since sch reopen friend keep sayin town so fun
nt sian mah keep goin...
bobian...who ask sg so freakin small no place go
Today meet up angel in cityhall
we wen to starbuck to slack and chit chat
we wen bugis for dinner....
we like super hungry...2 person eat we order 4 dish
lols...and at last we cant finish the food...lols...
after dinner took mrt and sent her home
Saturday, January 10, 2009
dinking session
wen sch as usual..sian sat still gt sch...
after sch wen cityhall to meet angel....
wen over to pick her
n go to her house 4 dinner
after dinner we play drinkin game...
and ended up both get crazi and drunk...
lols....wen home around 11plus
busyin on my sch work so blog update will b quite short and slow
Friday, January 9, 2009
red cliff
wen out w kongboon jon and gordon again
thought today red cliff 2 sneak is out..
sadly but not....
so realli have nothing to do...
wen slackin and shop around in orchand...
after tt wen b cuppage to eat old same thingy(wanton mee)
finally red cliff 2 is out...
mi skip half of my lesson and
wen out w jon gordon and kb
haha....wen to buy ticket
dammit is a front sit...haha
anyway the movie is super worth to watch
the plot and climax is 100x better den part1
so for mi is a must watch movie..lols...
after movie wen clark quak to meet toby
for dinner....they planned to go JB tml...
sad...if tml mi dun have class mi realli wan go
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
1st watch
wen to meet jon kongboon toby and gordon at orchand
and wen wistma to buy my watch...
finally gt my 1st watch in my life...haha....
wen shop around in orchand
and wen sukura to havin dinner buffet....
kong boon and jon realli can eat aalot...
non stop eating...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009
1st day of sch
early mornin accommpany david to his MA class
the teacher was freakin boring....
anyway sch is alway boring whn it come to lesson
nth special in sch
After sch when cityhall to meet angel...
waited for her till 6.30
and wen bugis w her and 1 of her friend to
Eat Steamboat...shiok!!!
we order a tomyam and chicken soup....
the tomyam soup is realli damn freakin spicy
realli ver pei fu they all so spicy alr
still can dip food into the chilli...
mi keeep drinkin water to cool myself
wen bugis junction to walk to disguest the heavy meal
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Memories of 2008
memories 2008 - jiaming
This a video is my memories of 2008
hope u guy like it ^^
done it in rush of new year...will re-edit again
let have a fun 2009!!!